Friday, December 19, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Perayaan Krismas di Grace TTDI Shah Alam

Walau pun awal tapi ini telah membangkitkan Christmas mood semua yang hadir. Tak sangka juga ramai yang hadir jikalau melihat kepada kebanyakkan student UiTM dah balik cuti. Yang hadir semuanya membawa hadiah masing-masing untuk acara pertukaran hadiah. Hadiah digalakkan membawa hadiah berupa kekal (nie kunci MyVi aku deh)...
Perayaan pada hari itu dimulai oleh team Pujian & Penyembahan yang dipimpin oleh Sdri. Almari. Pada waktu itu lampu telah dipadam (bukan digelapkan tetapi dipadam terus) oleh Sereni yang sedia menunggu untuk memadam suis lampu. So, lampu dipadamkan dan lilin dinyalakan sekaligus jemaah dibawa menyanyikan lagu Malam Kudus. Wow, sungguh terharu apabila menyanyikan lagu malam kudus. Bayangkan 2000 tahun yang lalu dalam keadaan malam yang sunyi sepi tiba2 Kristus dilahirkan di Betlehem. Kehadirannya mengejutkan para gembala pada waktu itu. Semua bersemangat menyanyikan lagu tersebut kecuali aku yang sibuk mengatur camera phone aku “Nama flash tuk enggai nyadi deh?....”

Selepas habis kami menyanyikan lagu ‘Malam Kudus’ lampu pun dibuka semula oleh jurulampu Sereni. Dan gereja pun dalam suasana terang macam biasa. Waktu itu, nyanyian Christmas terus dinyanyikan dengan lagu Dunia Gemar Dan Bersoraklah (Joy to the world), Glorio in elcelxis deo. Kemudian masuk ke lagu penyembahan pula ‘Tinggikan DiriMu’. Memang best dan evergreen lagu tu. The 1st time I heard this song was year 1997, when my sister gave me the very 1st GMB’s album ‘Ku bri yang terbaik’ for Christmas present. And till now we still singing it as our worship to God. Beautiful song.... Selesai sahaja lagu itu kami terus menyanyikan lagu feliz navidad.....

Selepas pertukaran hadiah habis, acara diteruskan dengan khutbah oleh Ps. Joe. Sebelum Ps memulakan messagenya hari itu kami menyanyikan lagu We are the reason (Dalam BM). Lagu ini pun best juga, so saya post sekali liriknya untuk renungan bersama....

Sebelum saya meneruskan, saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus kerana atas apa yang Dia telah lakukan kepada saya. Terima kasih Yesus, kerana saya Tuhan datang ke dunia ini dan merelakan diriNya disalib....Ps Joe berkhutbah mengenai makna Krismas pada pagi itu. Semua mendengar dengan khusyuk tapi saya pasti ada juga yang tak sabar dengan makanan tu. J Khutbah pagi itu mengenangkan kembali kasih Tuhan kepada manusia. Memang susah hati aku mun mengingat kasih Tuhan. Akai, ka nyabak ajak....
Begitulah acara pada hari itu. Memang menarik kan? Simple tapi berjaya melahirkan semangat Krismas pada semua anak2 muda yang berada jauh di perantauan (cheh, macam lah semua sik balit..sedangkan muka yalah no.1 nak balit rumah)....

Oh lupa satu hal, semasa hari baik bulan baik itu pula Alma telah menyempurnakan pengumumannya akan berpindah ke KL pada tahun depan. Alma menangis dengan sebak. Macam lah KL tu jauh. Macam Akademi Fantasia pulak ada yang terkeluar dan ada yang menangis....

This is my Christmas present...Hahaha...
All this things remind me of all the Christmas Party that I had during my youth years.....Hoh.....
Friday, December 05, 2008
Recommended Christian Website
Thanks to this website I can listen and even download to some nice lagu rohani. Some of the songs remind me of the days of my youth. Lots of old gospel song also available at this website. Nak download senang saja, just register or open your account with them and now you can download. Just like what the label said “Biarlah segala yang bernafas memuji Tuhan, Amen!”
This is the address
Another interesting website is This is Buatan Malaysia website. Not many songs can be found here but this website is good to post any announcement of what’s happening in our church etc. Those Malaysian who design this website should be given credits for their effort.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Finally, Pengarah agree to approve my long christmas leave (two weeks – is that long enough?). Tapi macam biasalah apabila cuti aku diluluskan sedangkan cuti orang lain semua dibekukan adalah unsur-unsur yang tidak puas hati berbunyi di belakang tandas. Cakap itu dan ini. Aku tak peduli apa yang korang nak cakap. Kalau korang pandai cakap itu dan ini kenapa tidak masuk radio Era segmen ‘Itu dan Ini’?
It’s okay, as long as I know I am capable to finish all my fiscal year 2008 job it is enough. Word is just a word. Just setakat cakap belakang takkan membunuh betul tak. For those friends in Kuching really looking forward to meet up with you guys soon.
Okay, nak balik dah. Semua dah balik dan macam biasalah kerja aku adalah mengunci office. See you around!
It’s okay, as long as I know I am capable to finish all my fiscal year 2008 job it is enough. Word is just a word. Just setakat cakap belakang takkan membunuh betul tak. For those friends in Kuching really looking forward to meet up with you guys soon.
Okay, nak balik dah. Semua dah balik dan macam biasalah kerja aku adalah mengunci office. See you around!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Color Personality Test
I did this colour personality quiz from the internet today and below is the answer that I get. I don’t know how true it is to me. But there are some points that can describe myself. Maybe it’s something that I want to be or something I believe what I am. Or maybe it’s not even true or didn’t describe me at all. When I was in PLKN last time, I remember my trainer always said, “The trainees are always your mirror.” Okay, that is so true at that moment but now who is my mirror actually? My workers? Emm, I always can get a mirror from Tesco. Hahahaha….. How well can we know and evaluate ourself?
Yesterday, I like what this young simple guy told me. Actually, he is only our office boys and he’s only 21 years old. Ceritanya macam ini, dia try nak tackle this I can consider beautiful girl lar. So, macam tak betul kalau dia nampak this beautiful girl. So, the conversation between 3 of us goes like this:- (Fiza is his S.O and this guy name is Pojie)
Fiza : Eleh, muka tak handsome ada hati nak tackle perempuan cantik.
Me : Handsome tu tak penting sekarang. Banyak perempuan cantik kat luar tu pilih lelaki yang tak handsome (macam ada pengalaman je..hehehe).
Fiza : Yalah, mereka tu tak handsome tapi banyak duit. Korang ni apa yang ada?
Pojie : Takpe Cik Fiza dan Encik Frankie. Duit dan harta tu tak penting kerana benda tu kita boleh create.......
Fuyoh, power lah ayat kau Pojie. Respek lah dengan kau. Hahahaha....
Yes, there are many things I can create in my life everyday. Not only ‘things’ but also values as long as I am aware of the choices that I made every minutes. Sometime I tend to forget that I am responsible to create the result of what I want to be in my life. What I am today is the result that I have created long time ago but what I will be in the future is base on my choice today. The question is, what am I committed to create today?
Thanks Pojie atas ayat power kau. Semua yang berlaku dalam kehidupan kita boleh kita create. Selagi kita ada komitmen untuk create keputusan yang kita inginkan. Yang menentukan segalanya adalah SIKAP kita....
Color Personality Test:-
When you are at peace, you are:
Yesterday, I like what this young simple guy told me. Actually, he is only our office boys and he’s only 21 years old. Ceritanya macam ini, dia try nak tackle this I can consider beautiful girl lar. So, macam tak betul kalau dia nampak this beautiful girl. So, the conversation between 3 of us goes like this:- (Fiza is his S.O and this guy name is Pojie)
Fiza : Eleh, muka tak handsome ada hati nak tackle perempuan cantik.
Me : Handsome tu tak penting sekarang. Banyak perempuan cantik kat luar tu pilih lelaki yang tak handsome (macam ada pengalaman je..hehehe).
Fiza : Yalah, mereka tu tak handsome tapi banyak duit. Korang ni apa yang ada?
Pojie : Takpe Cik Fiza dan Encik Frankie. Duit dan harta tu tak penting kerana benda tu kita boleh create.......
Fuyoh, power lah ayat kau Pojie. Respek lah dengan kau. Hahahaha....
Yes, there are many things I can create in my life everyday. Not only ‘things’ but also values as long as I am aware of the choices that I made every minutes. Sometime I tend to forget that I am responsible to create the result of what I want to be in my life. What I am today is the result that I have created long time ago but what I will be in the future is base on my choice today. The question is, what am I committed to create today?
Thanks Pojie atas ayat power kau. Semua yang berlaku dalam kehidupan kita boleh kita create. Selagi kita ada komitmen untuk create keputusan yang kita inginkan. Yang menentukan segalanya adalah SIKAP kita....
Color Personality Test:-
When you are at peace, you are:
Energized and innovative – aku energized kah? Mun at peace selalunya aku akan Rest In Peace (tido) juak.
When you are moved to act, you are:
Giving and warm – yes, God love a cheerful giver…
When you are inspired, you are:
Spontaneous and adventurous – depend on the things that inspired me? What if that things make me wanna sleep. Hahaha… I can be spontaneous sometimes especially masa berkawan dengan Ronie dolok…Hahaha…Bila kau nak datang KL tok Nie?
When your life is perfectly balanced, you are:
Totally in the moment – When my life is perfectly balanced I always thanks He’s the one who make my life perfectly balance all the time. Thank you God!
Your life's purpose is:
To change the world – Yes, I want to change the world. I want to make a different. Jadi macam cerita “Death Notes – L Changed The World”
Friday, November 14, 2008
Start All Over
Emm..Just want to start again this blog after not updating for years. Nasib masih aktif. All this while I'm active blogging with friendster but I thought only those in that group only read my blog. Now, try to go globally. Feel challenge to write again after reading Dollina blog. Rasa tercabar aku dengan Dollina pun ada blog juga. Hope to write some more later. See you soon.
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