Saturday, July 31, 2010


Wow, lama betul aku sudah tidak memblog dalam ini. Life is so much things to do nowadays with so little time. I know, bukannya masa yang tidak cukup tapi my own time management. With Census is still goin on, I felt that I'm juggling personal time,work, family and church. Wow, but still thanks God because I'm still alive now.

Praise God beside my busy life I manage to start a new cell group at my home with some bunch of UiTM student. Hang with this youngs, really make me feel young again inside me and I'm glad I still young. Hahahaha....

The census is still on until end of August. Can't wait for it to come to an end. But after that, I still need to do some quality checking on the data been collected. Ohhh, we can it be end!

Anywhere, until now God is still the strength of my heart. Without Him, I dunno what will happen to me. Walaupun stress tu memang ada, tapi Tuhan sentiasa bersamaku. Terima kasih Tuhan, atas anugerah dan kasihMu...