Sunday, November 11, 2012
11.11.12 a.k.a 11 November 2012
Before the day over, just want to make some post on this date. 2012 have so many interesting date. The next one should be 12.12.12 or 12 December 2012 I guess. So see ya...
Sunday, July 22, 2012
My Born Day
It's my born day again. I would like to give thanks to Jesus
for giving me everything that I need. I can't imagine life without Him. I
would like to thanks my parent for bringing me up, I know it's not easy to
raise me but mummy and daddy manage to raise me until I become what I am today. To my dearest sisters and brother, thank you so much for your love. I may not express how much I love all of you with my word but believe me deep in my heart I love you all so much.
To all my friends (long list of friends) thanks for color my life. Every step
of my journey become so meaningful because each one of you choose to be in my heart. Not to forget, I would like to thanks the late Pastor Harry my spiritual father for every valuable lessons you had place in my heart. I will always remember that.... I would like to share what Dollina wrote in my wall today...
Thank you so much Do. I couldn't imagine what my youth day would be without you, Fly, Audrey, Anddy, Hinly and the rest of the gang... You are truly a blessing.... Yeah, I'm so grateful today.....
Monday, June 18, 2012
Today’s Bread Is Not For Tomorrow
I would like to share this post by Pastor Joseph Prince. I was personally being blessed by the post and would like to share with you.
Today’s Bread Is Not For Tomorrow ~ Pastor Joseph Prince | |
Doctors have discovered that worry,
stress, fear and anxiety can cause stomach ulcers, high blood pressure
and other health problems. The Bible says that a merry heart does good
like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones. (Proverbs 17:22) It
also says that God wants us to prosper and be in health, even as our
soul prospers. (3 John 1:2) When our church was much smaller, I used to worry a lot about my sermons weeks before I even preached them! I was so stressed that I developed symptoms in my body. Two doctors checked me on separate days and found my blood pressure to be very high. Other tests found traces of blood in my urine. I even had mild panic attacks. I believe that the devil was trying to undermine my ministry and destroy me. But praise God, He delivered and healed me, and taught me not to worry. Today, the church is a lot bigger and I have learnt by the grace of God not to worry. The verse that set me free was this: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow…” (Matthew 6:34) You see, if you worry about tomorrow, you are trying to live tomorrow today! My friend, God does not want you to do that. Jesus taught us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread.” He did not say, “Give us this day our weekly bread.” God gives us daily bread, not weekly bread. God doesn’t give tomorrow’s bread today. And today’s bread is not meant for tomorrow! This means that God wants you to live today and not worry about what will happen or what you have to do tomorrow. He gives you sufficient grace for today, not tomorrow. “But Pastor Prince, I have a very important presentation to give tomorrow!” Beloved, when tomorrow comes, the bread — provision and grace — will be there. I am not advocating laziness and inactivity. By all means, do your homework, but don’t worry about it. Just trust the One who wants you to give Him all your cares (1 Peter 5:7), and enjoy His peace and life today! |
Wednesday, May 23, 2012
Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang 2012
Nak masukkan gambar APC 2012 yang telah diadakan di PICC pada 22 Mei 2012.
Yang lain, lenkali aku masukkan okay!
Sunday, April 01, 2012
Four Years Have Gone
Ya, four years have gone. Four years of my life here in Shah Alam. Let's recap what happen last four years...
31 March 2008 is the most miserable time of my life. I'm leaving on Airasia flight to Kuala Lumpur with so many questions in my life. This is the time when I asked Him, "Why, why and why". Why I need to come to this place. Why I need to follow Your will. Why Your will is so hard to follow. Why You never care for my feeling. Why You finally answered my prayer but this is not I wish for in my life. I can't say let Your will be done in my life. I don't want to do Your will. That is the question that I asked Him while I'm sitting on the flight. I cried before Him many times before I left. I told Him I don't want to do this. I told Him please let me choose my own way instead of following His way. I pray, I cried before Him but He just keep silent.
Today, after four years have gone I thanks Him for that day. I thanks Him for my family and friends who encourage me to step forward and moving out of my comfort zone. I thanks Him for bringing me here at Shah Alam. I've learn a lots since the day I left Kuching until now. My walk with Him is much closer than when I was in Kuching. I have so many opportunity to learn new things here. I learn to serve Him more and doing more for the Kingdom of God. I've learn to say more of You and less of me. And the most important things is I've learn to say the prayer just like Jesus said "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."
Following His way is not easy and we need to carry the cross in doing so. We need to learn how to deny our own will and put our faith in Him. But doing His will is the best part of our life. He know what is the best for us. He know it better than us. He know everything and He love us so much and want the best in our life. We may fail to see that in the beginning but at the end we will be thankful to Him because He made it beautiful in His time.
Father, I want to thank you for not letting me down. I want to thank you for all the blessings in my life. I want to thank you because You prepare the best for me. I want to thank you for my family and friends that You have put in my life because You know that these are the peoples who going to help me to walk according to Your way. And I want to thank you for giving me the best in my life. You are truly amazing Lord. Thank you again and again Jesus. Amen!
31 March 2008 is the most miserable time of my life. I'm leaving on Airasia flight to Kuala Lumpur with so many questions in my life. This is the time when I asked Him, "Why, why and why". Why I need to come to this place. Why I need to follow Your will. Why Your will is so hard to follow. Why You never care for my feeling. Why You finally answered my prayer but this is not I wish for in my life. I can't say let Your will be done in my life. I don't want to do Your will. That is the question that I asked Him while I'm sitting on the flight. I cried before Him many times before I left. I told Him I don't want to do this. I told Him please let me choose my own way instead of following His way. I pray, I cried before Him but He just keep silent.
Today, after four years have gone I thanks Him for that day. I thanks Him for my family and friends who encourage me to step forward and moving out of my comfort zone. I thanks Him for bringing me here at Shah Alam. I've learn a lots since the day I left Kuching until now. My walk with Him is much closer than when I was in Kuching. I have so many opportunity to learn new things here. I learn to serve Him more and doing more for the Kingdom of God. I've learn to say more of You and less of me. And the most important things is I've learn to say the prayer just like Jesus said "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."
Following His way is not easy and we need to carry the cross in doing so. We need to learn how to deny our own will and put our faith in Him. But doing His will is the best part of our life. He know what is the best for us. He know it better than us. He know everything and He love us so much and want the best in our life. We may fail to see that in the beginning but at the end we will be thankful to Him because He made it beautiful in His time.
Father, I want to thank you for not letting me down. I want to thank you for all the blessings in my life. I want to thank you because You prepare the best for me. I want to thank you for my family and friends that You have put in my life because You know that these are the peoples who going to help me to walk according to Your way. And I want to thank you for giving me the best in my life. You are truly amazing Lord. Thank you again and again Jesus. Amen!
Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Trip To Bandung & Jakarta Part 6
Day 6
Day 6 of the journey. Hari yang ditunggu-tunggu telah tiba. Hari yang dirancang pada hari ini. Bangun awal pagi jam 5.30 pagi dan bersiap sedia untuk menghadapi hari ini. Bersarapan pagi jam 6.00 pagi dengan penuh semangat. Kami menghabiskan sarapan 6.30 pagi dan bersiap sedia untuk menuju ke destinasi yang dirancang pada hari ini iaitu Kebaktian Ahad di Jakarta Praise Community Centre (JPCC). Check their website at Jakarta Praise Community Church.
JPCC adalah salah sebuah gereja yang besar di Jakarta. Gereja ini terkenal dengan kumpulan True Worshippers. Salah seorang ahli gereja ini iaitu Ps. Sidney Mohede. Rasanya semua kenal dengan beliau. Dan pada hari ini kami akan melangkah kaki menyertai kebaktian di JPCC.
Kami menaiki taksi daripada hotel kami menuju ke Wisma Nusantara di Jalan MH Thamrin. Tidak sukar mencari kerana kebanyakan pemandu tahu di mana letaknya Wisma Nusantara. Kalau tidak tahupun beritahu pemandu bahawa mahu ke Hotel Pullman (dulu dikenali dengan Hotel Nikko). Kami sampai sebelum 7.00 pagi kerana takut tak sempat mahu menyertai kebaktian jam 7.30 pagi. Sampai di sana, kami naik lif dan terus ke tingkat 12 Bangunan Annex. Pintu belum dibuka dan kami berdiri di luar untuk mereka membenarkan kami masuk. Tetapi waktu itu telah ada beberapa orang yang bersiap sedia untuk kebaktian.
Menunggu di luar dewan utama kebaktian diadakan. |
Pintu masuk ke dewan utama dibuka kepada umum jam 7.00 pagi tepat. Orang berebut masuk untuk duduk di barisan hadapan. Kami pun masuk dan terus mengambil tempat duduk beberapa baris dari hadapan. Waktu itu kami sibuk mula mengambil gambar.
Main Stage |
Welcoming Sign At LCD Screen |
JPCC agak besar tetapi tidak sebesar DUMC di Malaysia. Rasanya DUMC lebih besar. Tengah kami mengambil gambar tiba-tiba seorang usher datang kepada kami dan berkata, 'Pak, nggak bisa ambil foto.' Kami pun meminta maaf tapi telah beberapa foto telah diambil. Maaf ya mbak usher. Sebelum kebaktian mereka menayangkan video klip daripada Chris Tomlin, Hillsongs dan sesi demo Favorlive iaitu album terkini yang bakal dilancarkan pada 21 Maret 2012. Tepat jam 7.25pm mereka menayangkan klip pembukaan dan semua pelayan musik telah bersedia di atas pentas. Selepas tamat klip pembukaan jam 7.30 pagi tepat kebaktian pun bermula. Lagu yang dinyanyikan semua baru bagi kami kerana lagu tersebut bakal mereka nyanyikan semasa konsert Favorlive yang berlangsung. Memang profesional dan mereka memiliki suara yang merdu. But for me, it's not only about the voice but also the anointing. Boleh rasakan urapan semasa masuk ke dalam saat penyembahan dengan menyanyikan lagu Jesus It Is You. Pertama kali mendengar lagu ini, jiwaku terus menyanyi memuji Tuhan dan bersyukur atas segala kebaikan dan pekerjaan Tuhan di dalam kehidupan. Suasana penyembahan memang hidup dan mereka menyembah dengan sepenuh hati mereka.
Selepas pujian dan penyembahan, pengkhutbah pun naik ke pentas. Pagi tersebut giliran Pastor Jose Carol, pernah melihat rupanya beberapa kali di dalam blog JPCC tetapi tidak sangka akan mendengar beliau menyampaikan firman Tuhan pada pagi itu. Beliau membawa topik komitmen, satu topik yang agak berat bagi saya. Kebanyakan orang takut dengan perkataan tersebut. Khutbah beliau simple sahaja tetapi penuh pengertian. Beliau menamatkan khutbah beliau dengan membawa seluruh jemaat menyanyikan lagu Jesus It Is You sekali lagi. Kebaktian tamat tepat jam 9.00pagi. Maknanya sesi kebaktian hanyalah sejam setengah. Tidak puas rasanya dan mahu lebih lagi. Rasa mahu terus di situ untuk kebaktian kedua jam 10.00 pagi tetapi kami perlu berangkat ke lapangan terbang pagi itu. Selepas kebaktian, kami pergi ke tingkat 10 dan sempatlah bergambar dan membeli belah buku & CD sekali lagi.
Bersama Ps. Jose Carol ~ Background Favorlive |
Tak tahu nama mamat ni apa, selalu main gitar di True Worshipper Youth. Tapi bapa dia orang Penang rupanya. |
Background Favorlive |
Kami balik dalam jam 9.30 pagi. Waktu kami balik orang tengah berbaris untuk pergi ke kebaktian seterusnya. Beberapa pelayan sedang sibuk melayani di beberapa tempat iaitu lif, parking dan ada yang menjaga barisan. Pertama kali melihat keadaan orang berbaris-baris untuk masuk ke gereja. Sungguh tinggi komitmen mereka di sana. Ada juga melihat ibu bapa yang mendukung anak-anak mereka berbaris menunggu peluang untuk masuk lif. Tapi mereka memberikan keutamaan kepada warga emas dan ibu mengandung untuk masuk dahulu. Bayangkan kalau gereja di Malaysia seperti itu, adakah kita sanggup berbaris untuk masuk ke kebaktian? Adakah kita sanggup melayani di tempat parking atau di dalam lif? Ada berani? Nak cari driver van gereja pun sukar. Sebab itu nampak perbezaan komitmen jemaah di Malaysia dengan komitmen yang ditunjukkan di sana. Tapi, Malaysia tetap di hatiku. Tuhan, ubahlah gereja yang ada di Malaysia. Biarlah kebangkitan berlaku di kalangan umatMu hingga namaMu ditinggikan di tengah kami. Dalam nama Yesus, Amen!
Kami balik ke hotel dan berkemas untuk check out. Selepas check out kami terus mengambil taksi untuk ke lapangan terbang. Sampai di lapangan terbang agak awal sebelum jam 12.00 tengahari dan terus check in beg yang ada. Puji Tuhan tidak overweight. Walaupun banyak membeli tapi masih boleh isi lagi tu. Hahaha...
Flight kami delay lagi selama 45 minit petang itu. Jam 4.00 petang baru boarding dan terbang lebih kurang jam 4.20 petang. Sampai di LCCT lebih kurang jam 7.15 malam. Penat tetapi begitu puas dan bersyukur.
Beberapa ucapan syukur kepada Tuhan dalam beberapa hal iaitu:-
- Syukur kerana berkat kewangan maka melancong ke luar negera.
- Syukur atas kesihatan yang baik kerana dapat berjalan dengan sepuas-puasnya.
- Syukur atas perlindungan sepanjang kami berada di sana tiada perkara yang tidak diingini berlaku di kalangan kami.
- Syukur atas kemewahan hidup yang dikecapi kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia (tak perlu 'ngamen' bro).
- Syukur kerana kami selamat sampai di Malaysia dan berpuas hati atas segala yang telah kami tempuhi.
Pelajaran yang dipelajari iaitu:-
- Masih ada harapan ~ banyak cara yang boleh dilakukan untuk terus hidup. Yang penting perlu ada kerajinan dan kemahuan untuk melakukan perkara yang berkenan di mata Tuhan.
- Komitmen perlu ada dalam pelayanan. Setiap yang dimulai perlu dihabiskan.
- Pelayanan bukan hanya setakat di pulpit tetapi menjangkau jauh hingga ke tempat parking.
Itu sahaja catatan perjalanan sepanjang kami berada di Bandung dan Jakarta. Memang puas hati dapat pergi bercuti. Hehehe... Looking forward for next trip. I'll try to put some more pictures after this. Adios!!!
Jakarta Capital Region, Indonesia
Trip To Bandung & Jakarta Part 5
Day 5
Day 5 of the journey started after we had our breakfast at the hotel. Actually, we had no idea where to go. We only decide after we on the taxi. We told the driver we want to go to Monas. Monas is just like our Tugu Peringatan at Malaysia. Funny, I've never been to Tugu Peringatan but here am I at Monas. There are many school children and university student visit Monas that day.
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Tinggi tak aku? |
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Look real ~ Patung yang mereka buat untuk menceritakan sejarah. |
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Perasan tak muka keletihan? |
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Apa motif tok kah? Hahaha.... |
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Monas |
Tapi kami tak naik sampai ke atas kerana banyak orang berbaris untuk masuk ke dalam. Jadi kami hanya melihat ke dalam muzium sahaja. Banyak sejarah dipelajari semasa melawat ke dalam muzium di dalam Monas. Sejarah bagaimana mereka mendapatkan kemerdekaan daripada penjajah dan peranan negera Indonesia di persada dunia.
Selepas lebih kurang separuh hari di Monas, kami pun pergi ke Taman Anggrek Mall. Taman Anggrek Mall merupakan mall yang terbesar di Jakarta (sumber : Pak Wibowo yang menjemput kami di stesen keretapi semalam ~ cousin kepada Sis Deborah). Tapi memang besar lebih kurang macam Mid Valley. Memandangkan wang rupiah masih ada lebih lagi, jadi kami mengambil keputusan untuk menghabiskan wang dengan shopping di sini. Harganya boleh tahan juga murah walaupun tidak semurah jika dibandingkan dengan Bandung. Walau bagaimanapun, kalau dibandingkan dengan Malaysia memang masih lagi dikatakan murah. Orang di Jakarta berbeza dengan orang di Bandung. Setelah penat membeli belah kami pun balik semula ke hotel walaupun wang rupiahnya masih ada lagi. Tapi tak tahu nak beli apa. Tapi disebabkan kawan-kawan (dan sendiri pun sama) telah kepenatan jadi kami pun balik semula ke hotel. Jarak hotel dengan Taman Anggrek Mall tidak jauh sebenarnya, kurang 1km kalau jalan kaki. Tapi kami naik sahaja taksi kerana duit tengah banyak nak bayar taxi lagipun murah.
Kota Jakarta jauh berbeza daripada Bandung. Kalau Bandung cuacanya sejuk dan nyaman (serioussss!!!) tetapi Jakarta nampak berjerebu. Jalannya pula, lebih teruk macet (jammed) daripada Bandung dan lebih teruk dari KL. Walaupun dalam hujung minggu, bagi kami memang nampak sesak tapi driver taksi mengatakan keadaan hujung minggu jauh lebih baik daripada hari biasa. Boleh dibayangkan bagaimana teruknya macet pada hari biasa. Di Jakarta juga tidak banyak orang yang 'ngamen' dan kebanyakan mereka seperti Chinese look. Cuma mereka semua berkata dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Mungkin kehidupan orang di Jakarta lebih baik daripada orang di bahagian lain di Malaysia.
Malam tersebut kami hanya berehat di hotel sambil menunggu ais daripada pihak hotel yang sampai balik ke Malaysia pun tidak sampai. Hahahaha....
Jakarta Capital Region, Indonesia
Trip To Bandung & Jakarta Part 4
Day 4
We spent 3 days at Bandung and it's time to say goodbye to the city. We had a wonderful time traveling at Bandung and feel bless with the hospitality of the people here especially Sis Deborah. We had our breakfast as usual that morning at Rumah Tawa and Sis Deborah promise to pick us up and send us to the railway station. After breakfast Rudy decide to do his last shopping at Pasar Baru. Tidak puas shopping lagi rupanya dia ini. He went there alone but the rest of us waited for Sis Deborah to come and pick us. Around 10am, I receive a phone call from the hotel receptionist saying "Ibu Deborah sudah sampai Pak". So, while waiting for Rudy we had a chat. Rudy arrive as fast as he could and we check out from the hotel.
Last Picture At Rumah Tawa Hotel ~ Good Place To Stay |
Before we going to the railway station, Sis Deborah show us around Bandung. Baru kami tahu yang banyak lagi tempat yang tak explore lagi kat sini. We learn about the culture and the way of life. Here are some picture taken during our drive trip.
Beca ~ Salah Satu Pengangkutan Awam Di Bandung |
Di Hadapan Kompleks Kerajaan |
Monyet Digunakan Untuk 'Mengamen' ~ Poor Monkey |
Aiskrim Walls Pak |
Mereka Mendirikan Rumah Di Tengah2 Pokok Besar Ini ~ Beberapa buah rumah dibina mengelilingi pokok besar |
Sekali lagi kami singgah di Christian Bookstore iaitu Immanuel Bookstore. The price of course much cheaper than Malaysia. I bought several books and bible. Rudy pula seperti biasa memborong buku.
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Immanuel Bookstore ~ Siap ada peraduan membeli lagi. Terbaek. |
Selepas keluar dari Immanuel, Sis Deborah mahu membawa kami makan tengahari makanan Sunda. Dalam perjalanan tersebut kami terserempak dengan sekumpulan anak muda yang mengadakan demostrasi bagi membantah kenaikan harga minyak di Indonesia. Sempat juga Rudy merakamkan beberapa gambar semasa melalui kumpulan tersebut.
Around 2pm we arrived at the railway station. Our train depart at 2.30pm and expected to arrive at 5.30pm at Jakarta. Naik train yang 1st class punya. Ada orang jual makanan dan air setiap 30 minit.
Goodbye Bandung and Hello Jakarta |
Rileks lok pok |
We checked in at Anggrek Hotel at Jakarta. End of the 4th day of our journey.
Bandung, Indonesia
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Trip To Bandung & Jakarta Part 3
Day 3
Journey goes on. I thought of wake up a bit late this morning but because of get use to Malaysian time I couldn't sleep anymore. Maybe because of the excitement of the day make me feel even excited. Our 2nd day breakfast quite simple. After we finish our breakfast we are ready for our adventure.
Kali ini kami bersedia untuk pergi ke Festival Citylink Mall kerana tujuan kami adalah pergi ke Christian Book Store yang dicanangkan oleh Juliana kepada kami. Perjalanan ke situ agak jauh dan kali ini kami menaiki 4 kali angkut. Setiap kali pemandu angkut menyuruh kami turun, tiada shopping mall yang kelihatan dan rupa-rupanya kami perlu menaiki angkut yang lain pula. Angkut dikenali dengan warna menandakan destinasi masing-masing. Akhirnya kami sampai di tempat tersebut.
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Festival Citylink Mall Bandung |
Tempat ini agak baru dan tidak banyak kedai yang beroperasi di sini. Rasa macam nak buat listing PP pulak. Hehehe.... Sampai di sana kami terus mencari bookstore yang dimaksudkan dan apabila menemui bookstore tersebut menjadi 'sakai' seketika. Buku, DVD dan CD yang dijual jauh lebih murah harganya dengan Christian Bookstore yang ada di Malaysia.
Pekerja Kedai Buku Yang Menjadi Model Kami |
Visi Bookstore & Gallery |
Dari kalangan kami yang paling banyak membeli adalah Rudy (seperti biasa). Rasanya dia boleh membuka library apabila di Saratok nanti. You can check their website at
Selepas puas membeli belah buku dan CD kami pun naik taksi. Kali ini kami tak menaiki angkut kerana perjalanan yang agak jauh kalau hendak ke kawasan bandar. Taxi is much cheaper than angkut. Our next destination is at Jalan Dago. Pemandu taksi tersebut sempat membawa kami memusing sekejap Jalan Dago sebelum menurunkan kami di salah sebuah mall (I don't remember the name). Di sana macam biasa, lebih kurang macam Malaysia jugak.Tapi harga memang murah daripada Malaysia cuma kami tidak membeli di kawasan tersebut. Jalan Dago agak sesak dan banyak mall seperti electronics mall (lebih kurang macam lowyat) dan FOS. I bought few t-shirt from FOS here. Of course it's cheaper than the price we have in Malaysia.
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Bakso ~ My lunch. Sedapnya... |
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Kesibukan Bandar Bandung ~ Macet |
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The guys keep on laughing on the way the put the plate no at motorcycle |
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Ini pula minum petang ~ Mee Ais. Sebenarnya semua ramuan tersebut adalah jelly. |
Selepas berpusing-pusing di sana, kami pun pergi ke Cihampelas. Lebih kurang macam Jalan TAR kat KL tapi jauh lebih besar dan lebih jauh.Banyak barang yang dijual kat sana dan perlu pandai mengatakan 'TIDAK' kepada penjual jalanan sekiranya kita tidak mahu membeli. Barangan yang mereka jual memang murah just there are too many of them until we become uncomfortable. Don't get me wrong here, I believe they are just peoples who trying to survive by selling things to the tourists.
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Red Carpet di Bandung Indah Plaza |
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One of the FOS at Cihampelas. There are so many cartoon character hang there. Creativity help the advertisement. |
After one hour plus walking along Jalan Cihampelas we finally get tired. But, we suppose to meet with Sis Deborah that night. Malam itu, Sis Deborah membawa kami makan. Pasal makan no.1 korang kan. Semua sedap. After dinner, she sent us back to our hotel. When we reach the hotel, again we have another meeting. Hahaha... Planning for the next day!
Trip To Bandung & Jakarta Part 2
Day 2
Shall we continue to day 2. I set my alarm clock at 7.15am before went to bed the night before. When I woke up that morning, the sun shine so bright macam dah jam 9.00pg begitu. Tengok jam masih lagi awal rupanya, dalam 6.00pg lebih. Pastu, sambung tido lagi sekejap sebelum jam berbunyi. I get up from the bed around 7.00am and took my bath. The rest of the guys are ready even earlier before me. Penuh semangat mereka tu. Around 8.00am, breakfast but I couldn't remember the 1st day menu. After breakfast, we were ready for our 1st day adventure at Bandung. Our 1st destination will be Tangkuban Perahu. Kali pertama naik angkut dan ada juga perasaan 'sakai' sikit-sikit. Hehehehe....
This is our breakfast. |
Semangat pada pagi hari |
This is angkut. Tambang lebih kurang 2,000 rupiah seorang. |
Semasa angkut berhenti di lampu merah, tiba2 ada seorang yang masuk ke dalam angkut dan menyanyi. I was kinda 'duuuuhhhh'? Rudy told us that this is what they call here 'ngamen'. Entertaining people and we give them money. So, we look at each other with that face 'Siapa yang nak bagi duit?'. I don't remember but one of us gave that ngamen guy around 2,000 rupiah.
That guy wearing red/pink sweater is doing 'ngamen' |
We arrive at Tangkuban Perahu with 2 kali angkut. Need to pay around 50,000 rupiah for the entrance fee. The weather up there is so cold, colder than Cameroon Highland with that strong wind blew at your face make it even colder. What a fresh air and awesome view.
Dalam Kesejukan |
Behind us is the inactive volcano... It's gonna blow!!!!! |
Walking high |
Serious this tree look scary for me!!!! |
Thinking and thinking and berfikir |
We spent around 2 hours at Tangkubang Perahu before going down to the town area again. Sekali lagi naik angkut sebanyak 2 kali. This time I notice that peoples here using Blackberry as their main communication gadget. Why BB? Dunno, ask them lar. Our next stop is Pasar Baru. So many peoples shop here and most of them is Malaysian. Itu diaaaaa.....Malaysia Boleh! Sekarang musim orang Malaysia Pak. We have our lunch here at Pasar Baru and menemankan Rudy yang tengah excited mahu shopping.
Tengah memilih dan memerhatikan tapi tak juga beli. |
Selepas puas menemankan Rudy yang mahu shopping sakan, we decide to go to Jalan Riau. But we actually don't know where exactly is Jalan Riau. Not only that we don't even know which jalan on earth are we now? So, we decided to walk around Bandung town without knowing where are we heading to. But we manage to find several unique place to take pics.
Atas jejantas landasan keretapi |
Railway Station At Bandung |
This one not sure where it is. |
In front of Gereja Kristen Immanuel |
Finally, we feel tired and still don't have place to go. So we decided to naik angkut sekali lagi. I told the angkut driver, bawa saja kami ke gedung yang pak - mana2 gedung pun bisa. Hentam sajalah Bahasa Indon aku. Dalam angkut there is this nice lady try to explain some places to us but I couldn't really understand her. Angguk angguk dan geleng-geleng sahaja yang mampu aku katakan. The angkut's driver drop us in front of Paris Van Java. Yeah, I read about this mall at internet. At last, we reach our destination around 7.00pm and it's already dark there.
Shining like the candle in the dark |
We will shine like the stars above ~ TW |
Actually we want to focus at the back logo ~ MU |
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Nice advertisement ~ semua pasal bank tiba2 ada satu pasal laundry... |
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Jangan kau ingat kami nggak ada Carrefous Kasim ~ Ala Kasim |
We feel tired and decided to go back. Perjalanan pulang agak cepat kerana kami terus booking satu angkut untuk menghantar kami ke Hotel Rumah Tawa. Wah, lumayan pak. Kok nya satu angkut aku bedal. Sampai di hotel malam itu ahli2 bersekutu sambung lagi buat mesyuarat tergempar selain buat plan mana nak pergi pada hari esoknya. Itulah pengalaman pada hari pertama.
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